Supercharging Brand Engagement by Utilising the Power of Web3 Technology

Our Mission is to Forever Change How Brands Connect with Their Customers

MyBA Studios is an Australian based, globally focussed, creative studio.

We specialise in building community centric platforms to drive brand engagement by utilising the power of web3 technology.

It’s our commitment with helping to future proof brands and their industries that allows us to innovate and develop solutions beyond standard strategies.

We dream up next-level solutions for brands today, wanting to stay relevant tomorrow.


Penetrating social platforms forever changing algorithms has become an expensive and losing battle for many brands. The fact that social media companies are playing gatekeeper and charging brands to have a relationship with their own customers is mind-blowing! 

Brands need to take back the intimacy with their customers, and customers need to be rewarded for the value they bring when being active brand advocates.  

What is Web3 & Why Does it Matter?

Centralization has played a pivotal role in bringing billions of people onto the World Wide Web and establishing a resilient and dependable infrastructure that sustains it. However, this very centralization has led to a small group of dominant entities exercising unwavering control over brands, communities, and entire industries. These entities have the power to unilaterally determine who can connect with whom and dictate the information people are exposed to.

Web3 presents a solution to this dilemma. By embracing decentralised platforms, Web3 is constructed, operated, and owned by users themselves, rather than monopolised by tech giants. This shift empowers individuals, nurturing a direct connection between brands and customers whilst reducing the outflow of marketing budgets to out-of-industry platforms.

What are Web3 Digital Assets?

A non-fungible token "NFT" is basically data that is stored or accounted for in a digital ledger (the Blockchain) and represents something specific. It can for example, represent a piece of art, a music album, a ticket to an event, tiered membership or many other types of digital files.

The art / image of a NFT can in itself play an important role for it's value and success, however, it’s the utilities built behind it that supercharge the long-term value and on-going opportunities for brands and their communities.

What Projects Are We Working On?

Currently we are allocating all resources to several internal projects. Whilst we love hearing about new opportunities, our books are closed for the indefinite future.

If you would still like to reach out, please do via the contact link below.

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Building Future Proof Brands